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Sports Sexual Abuse Attorneys

Parents enroll their children in sports and are often unsuspecting of the potential of dangerous sexual predators affiliated with the activities.

Sexual predators can range from people such as:

  • Coaches
  • Groundskeepers
  • Volunteers
  • Others in official or unofficial capacities
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We are America's leading sexual abuse law firm

Why Choose Manly, Stewart & Finaldi?

Our firm has received national coverage on multiple news stations and newspapers for the work that we have done. We are committed to ensuring out clients receive justice and this includes taking on large institutions.

Work with a Nationally Recognized Legal Team

Most sports activities are safe but when sexual abuse does occur, the crimes are horrible and can affect the victim for the remainder of his or her life. Victims of sexual abuse in sports or those who are suspicious of sexual abusive should contact a sexual abuse in sports attorney for legal assistance from knowledgeable lawyers.

Manly, Stewart & Finaldi are prominent in the civil area dealing with protecting the rights of the abused and pursuing legal action against sex criminals and those who allow sex crimes against children. John Manly has tried major cases against the Catholic Church and sexually abusive clergy winning him international recognition for significant settlements for the abused to compensate them for their suffering as victims of sex crimes.

Were You or Your Child Sexually Abused By a Coach?

A coaching situation is ideal for sexual predators because a coach can build trust in a child and has a degree of authority and influence with the children they are working with. Coaches can be employees of schools or playgrounds, volunteers, or temporary help for sports activities. A coaching position is a position of power over children and an offender can take advantage of the situation and turn it into an arena for child sexual abuse. For those who seek legal action against the abuser, the benefits can include:

  • Monetary compensation
  • Satisfaction of justice served

Child abuse victims may always live with the repercussions of the acts against them, but they can feel some peace of mind knowing that the right action taken in the court system against a sex crime can make a difference. Make an appointment today for a consultation with one of our competent lawyers with Manly, Stewart & Finaldi.

Do you think your child is being sexually abused?

Parents, guardians and family members should watch for sudden behavior changes in children, especially if they engage in sports. Many children are too afraid or embarrassed to speak about sexual abuse and may not understand what has happened to them. Our abuse attorneys are compassionate with our clients and understand the great difficulties that result following a sexually abusive situation against a minor.

Contact Our Sports Sexual Abuse Lawyers Today

Let us help with the legal aspects of sexual abuse in sports and take civil court action against the perpetrators and those who condone such activities by cover up or ignorance. We have represented numerous cases of sexual abuse of children inside and outside of the courtroom and have settled for millions of dollars in awards for the victims. We are ready to help in a discreet manner with all legal needs in a sexual abuse in sports matter. Make an appointment today for a consultation with one of our trusted sexual abuse victim advocates.

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