Fresno County School Sexual Abuse Attorney

If you are an adult survivor of childhood school sexual abuse in Fresno County or believe your child is experiencing this terrible crime, please do not hesitate to contact Manly, Stewart & Finaldi. Our law firm focuses exclusively on representing survivors of sexual abuse and assault. We have the track record, experience and passion to shape a strong case against a school district on your behalf. You may be able to hold a school district and/or other parties responsible for the harm you or a loved one suffered in Fresno County. Request a free, confidential consultation today at (800) 700-8450.

Why Choose Us?

  • We understand the complex liability issues surrounding sexual abuse lawsuits.
  • We have nationally recognized legal advocates available in Fresno County.
  • We have obtained over $2 billion in case results for past sexual assault clients.
  • We have represented more than 100 survivors of school sex abuse specifically.
  • We take a highly personal approach to civil law, always providing one-on-one counsel.

When to Contact a Sexual Abuse Lawyer

We understand how difficult it can be to come forward with your story about school sexual abuse in Fresno County, California. We aim to make the legal process as easy and stress-free as possible. Our lawyers adhere to the highest standards in confidentiality from day one with clients. We can protect your identity during 100% of your claim if desired, even if it goes to court. Our lawyers can help you hold a school district accountable for what happened to you or a loved one so you can begin the process of healing.

Types of School Sexual Abuse

School sexual abuse can refer to physical and nonphysical actions of a sexual nature between a student and an employee of the school. It can refer to actions ranging from sexual bullying to rape on campus, during school events and on field trips. Many different crimes could fulfill the definition of school sexual abuse in California.

  • Coach or sports sexual abuse
  • Cyberbullying
  • Online sex crimes
  • Rape or statutory rape
  • Sexual bullying
  • Sexual harassment or discrimination
  • Sexual hazing
  • Sexual molestation
  • Sodomy 
  • Stalking

Regardless of the type of sexual abuse that impacted you as a student, speak to one of our attorneys at Manly, Stewart & Finaldi for counsel about a potential civil lawsuit. The school district could be vicariously liable for abuse a teacher or another school employee committed at a school in Fresno County, as well as for perpetuating abuse on the district level. We help survivors go up against school districts in California.

New Laws Impact Survivors of Public School Sexual Assault

Before the enactment of a recent California law (AB-218), the law gave childhood sexual abuse survivors six months, or up to one year in some cases, to file government tort claims against the school district where they suffered abuse, if the abuse occurred before January 1st, 2009. Missing this deadline typically meant losing the right to seek any damages.

With AB-218, childhood sexual abuse survivors with cases against school districts or other government entities no longer have one year or less to file their claims. The California Legislature amended the government tort claim requirement with AB-218. If you believe you have a case, seek legal counsel from the attorneys at Manly, Stewart & Finaldi as soon as possible.

Contact a School Sexual Abuse Lawyer in Fresno County

You do not have to take on a school district in Fresno County alone as a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. The lawyers at Manly, Stewart & Finaldi can guide you through the claims process and everything that comes with it, including protecting your identity if your case has to go to trial. We can advocate for your best interests and help you achieve your goals for a sexual abuse civil case in Fresno County, starting with a free consultation. Schedule yours online or call (800) 700-8450 today.