District Attorney Steve Cooley’s Statement Regarding the Release of Los Angeles Archdiocese’s Documents and Records

According to District Attorney Cooley, Cardinal Roger Mahony was urged and encouraged to cooperate with the ongoing investigations and to willingly hand over as much information as possible. However, Cardinal Mahony continues to resist the divulging of information and attempts to claim confidentiality privileges. Further, District Attorney Cooley stresses that the District Attorney’s Office is merely looking for leads and information to further their investigation and are not looking for information that would allow them to place blame on the Catholic institution.

Read more about Father Michael Baker:

Statute of Limitations Help Father Baker Avoids Molestation Charges

John Manly to Represent Cynthia C. in another Sex Abuse Case against Father Baker

5 More Sexual Abuse Charges Added to Father Baker’s Trial; Total Charges Now 34

Twenty-Nine Charges of Molestation Filed Against Baker

Father Michael Baker and Father Carlos Rodriguez Charged With Numerous Counts of Child Molestation

Cardinal Roger Mahony Admits to Mishandling Sexually Abusive Priest